Scoil Spreagtha

We are delighted to announce that Knocknagor is one of the chosen schools to take part in the brand new accredited scheme ‘Scoil Spreagtha’.
‘Scoil Spreagtha’ is an accredited scheme to recognise and celebrate efforts made by English-medium schools to encourage the use of Irish in the school environment. It aims to inspire schools to showcase and expand their efforts to promote the use of Irish in their school.
Tá muid ag dúil go mór le bheith ag obair i dtreo na creidiúnaithe agus bheimis fíorbhuíoch as bhur dtacaíocht lenár n-iarrachtaí.
Go raibh maith agaibh
27th Sep 2024
The children had a great day out today at an Irish Language blitz in Trillick. The...
27th Jun 2024
We are thrilled to have been awarded Scoil Spreagtha status! The fruits of the scheme...
19th Apr 2024
P6 and P7 have been learning about An Seomra ranga (The Classroom) this week. They...